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DuBois, Edith - Rugged Glimpse [Rugged Savage Valley, Colorado 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

  When she stood as naked as he, Joseph stepped toward her, pressing the length of his body against hers, cupping her face in his hands. “My blood has waited to awake for you, my sweet Elena.”

  “Magic,” she whispered, watching his face with wonder. Her pussy throbbed, releasing its hot liquid desire until it slipped down her thighs. She had never wanted a man as much as she wanted Joseph Kinman. No man had ever caused such a response in her body. It almost overwhelmed her, but something primal and instinctive awoke. Lying on her clothes, she pulled Joseph down to the earth with her.

  She didn’t know how or why, but she did know that Joseph was hers. When she’d seen him shift from a huge, snarling bear into a man, something had happened inside her. It was as if her presence tamed him. All of a sudden, he belonged to her. She couldn’t let another woman near him. He was hers and only hers.

  Some grass tickled the back of her neck as Joseph stretched out above her. The tip of his cock pressed up against the warm lips of her pussy.

  “I may not be able to control—”

  “Shh.” Elena put her finger to his lips. “Whatever happens, this is right. Your cock belongs inside me now.”

  A strange, fierce light blazed in the depths of Joseph’s black eyes, and he shoved his hard shaft into her depths. She smiled, feeling a hot tendril of pleasure whip through her body. Joseph pulled out to the tip and then plunged back in. Elena moved her hips up to meet him thrust for thrust. Each time their hips met, a new flash of pleasure scraped through her body, through her flesh, and through her bones.

  She wanted to close her eyes, to disappear into the sensation, to think of nothing but the way Joseph’s cock felt moving in and out and in and out.

  But his black orbs held her captive. She sank into his dark promise. She drowned in his power.

  Then she felt something wild growing inside herself. Each thrust that Joseph slammed into her brought it closer and closer to the surface. It paced inside her, snarling for release.

  “Joseph,” she whimpered. She wanted to look away, but he held her. “I can’t.” She gasped. He was taking her too far away from herself. She would never get back.

  But he continued to drive her, to push her. The thing inside her body howled, it tore at her insides, but she fought to keep it inside. Once it was loose, she knew there would be no turning back. She tried to close her eyes. If she could just close her eyes for a moment, she could reorganize her thoughts. She could center herself.

  But Joseph’s dark eyes would not release her.

  “Don’t fight it. Let go.”

  She whimpered. Her mind fought, but her body clambered to new heights, wanting the release more than her mind wanted to fight it. Digging her fingers into Joseph’s back as he crashed into her again and again, her hips bucked wildly up towards him.

  “Come on, Elena. Let go.” He growled from above her, his movements becoming harder, more urgent. His face tightened as he fought to shove himself even further into her already burning cunt. “You are so close, and you want it. I know you want it.”

  His words coaxed the raving wildness inside her to the very surface of her skin, and with a scream, it ripped out of her. She did let go, and suddenly her vision went bright. She could see nothing as her body exploded into a kaleidoscope of fiery sensations.

  As her orgasm swept through her body, the muscles in her back and her thighs and her stomach spasmed uncontrollably, her pussy clenching in a manic pattern around Joseph’s spurting cock.

  Then all she could do was smell him.

  And not just his body, but his emotions, his feelings, his thoughts. They filled her, and she drank him in like a greedy child, taking deep, unending lungfuls of him into every atom of her being. She called out his name as his smell burned into her very sense of self. She was no longer Elena. She was Elena, and she was Joseph. She would never be parted from this man.


  * * * *

  Joseph smiled when Elena nuzzled against his neck. The legends were all true. A part of his mind had hoped they were, but the other part always thought his parents had exaggerated when telling him the story of how they met. When they were boys, his mother told Joseph along with Caleb that she couldn’t resist his father. As soon as she saw him as a bear, she said she was lost and he was her way home.

  “How do you feel?” he asked, kissing her temple.

  She stretched her body out next to his. “I feel good.”

  Joseph chuckled and pulled her in close against his body. After a moment he felt himself nodding off. With his long run before encountering Elena, the dry air and heat of the drought, and his and Elena’s activities, he felt exhaustion overtaking all of his senses. A few minutes later, he realized that he had, in fact, dozed off and that Elena had her elbow propped up on his chest and was looking down into his face.

  “I suppose you have a few questions percolatin’ through that mind of yours, little miss.”

  She nodded, training her brown eyes on his.

  “I suppose you’re probably wondering how one minute you were about to be eaten by a bear and then the next you were standing in front of a fully aroused naked man.”

  She nodded again.

  “And I suppose somewhere in that brain of yours, you are wondering why you haven’t seen neither hide nor hair of my brother in over two weeks and why I’ve been seeming to avoid you up until now.”

  The tiny creases on her forehead made an appearance, and she nodded for the third time.

  “Before I clear the air, though…” He lifted his lips to hers, wanting one more taste of her delicate flavor before he dumped her into the quagmire of bear and Savage Valley information that awaited.

  Her soft lips welcomed his, and she sucked gently on his bottom lip, running her tongue across the front of his teeth and under his lips. He realized she wanted to taste him as much as he wanted to taste her. He broke the kiss, fearing it could quickly turn into something else.

  She frowned at his pause. “There are things you should know before we continue. And I think it’s time you saw Caleb again, don’t you?”

  She looked wary. “Caleb?”

  “You want him, don’t you?”

  She stuttered, first admitting and then denying that she wanted Caleb as well as him.

  “It’s okay, Elena. That’s part of the whole bear thing. Me and my brother, we are linked in such an unbreakable way that the women we love, or I guess I should say, the woman we love”—he kissed her nose—“become part of that bond. It’s perfectly natural for you to feel an attraction to both of us. In fact, I would be worried if you didn’t.”

  “But I thought…”

  “What?” he asked when it looked like she wouldn’t continue.

  “He doesn’t want me.” Her features became vulnerable, and he was astounded at the depth of hurt he saw there. Lifting his hand, he tucked a loose strand of her dark blonde hair behind the delicate pink shell of her ear. “It’s not that he doesn’t want to see you. There are circumstances that we bear-shifters—oh, I’m a bear-shifter if you hadn’t already…”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’ve surmised as much.”

  “Okay, well, there are certain things that happen to us when we are bears.”

  “What kind of things?”

  “Like…as soon as a bear-shifter smells an unclaimed human woman, he becomes hers. No other woman will do for him. He must have her. I don’t know how much you know about bears in the wild, but once he smells a female, a male bear will follow her scent, sometimes for miles and miles, until he finds her and possesses her.”

  “Oh.” Frowning, Elena bit her bottom lip like she wanted to say something else but held back for some reason.


  “Well, it’s just…are you sure you have that right? I feel like you just described what happened to me…with the smell and everything.”

  Joseph felt himself grinning widely. “You can smell me, too?”

  “Yes, only it didn’t happen wh
en I saw you, not exactly. It was when we were…while we…”


  “Oh, stop it. You know what I’m talking about.” When he chuckled, Elena’s breasts shook against his chest, and he felt his cock stirring to life.

  “Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” He grinned at the small pout that still played on her lips. “Tell me what happened.”

  “I can’t really put into words. I only know that if…” When her words trailed off, Joseph put a thumb to her lip.

  “Hey, where’d you go?”

  Frowning down at him, she suddenly shifted her body until she leaned more fully over him, both of her palms on the ground at his side. Her hair, usually held in a tight coil on her head, had come down during their wild sexual encounter, and it now swung around the sides of his face. She drilled her brown eyes into his. “You are in me now, Joseph Kinman. I feel you. I smell you. I taste you. Don’t ever forget—not for a second—that you are mine.”

  “And you, Elena, you are mine.”

  She nodded solemnly.

  “I think it’s time to find my brother now.”

  Chapter Six

  Caleb had already been under the streaming hot water for more than half an hour. He tried singing a couple lines from one of his favorite Elvis songs, but it devolved into a halfhearted hum and then into random notes and then finally into silence.

  Looking down at his cock standing at full attention, he sighed.

  Showers were the worst.

  When he was at the Sheriff’s Department or making the rounds through town, he could usually push thoughts of Elena away and keep his dick on its best behavior. But in the shower with the hot water rolling so pleasurably down his body and with no sound but the steady drone of water hitting the tiles, thoughts of Elena rose up into his mind like the steam around his body. He could no more resist the power of those thoughts than he could resist breathing.

  He was working on his second round of soaping off when he thought he heard a knock on the front door. Rinsing off the last few suds, he turned off the shower to listen. The knock came again but louder and more insistent.

  Rolling his eyes, he snatched his towel off the top of the commode, wrapped it around his waist, and headed for the door. The knock came again. It was really aggravated this time. “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming,” he shouted, thinking it was probably either his brother or one of the Greenwoods.

  When he opened the front door, though, Elena stood in front of him, looking flushed, disheveled, and utterly sexy.

  “Elena,” he sputtered.

  Joseph stood behind Elena with a wide, satisfied grin on his face. Caleb opened his mouth to ask what the hell was going on when a small breeze came ambling through his front door. He couldn’t stop himself. He took a big gulp, and Elena’s scent flew through his body, diving all the way down to his toes. It coiled tightly around his cock. He’d thought he was aroused before, but it was nothing compared the insanity that began to spread rapidly through his mind.

  He needed Elena.

  She was his. He needed to put his cock in her pussy.

  Closing the distance between them in one step, Caleb grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her lips to his. Her tiny body fit so snugly against his. When he grabbed each of her ass cheeks to press her body even tighter to his, her lust-filled moan exploded through him like a shotgun.

  “I’d suggest we take this inside,” Joseph said, and Caleb could hear the desire in his voice.

  Without pulling back from the kiss, Caleb lifted Elena up, thrilled when she wrapped her legs tightly around his body, and stumbled backward a few steps. Joseph closed the front door.

  Elena put her hands on his ears and pushed back for a moment. She breathed deeply, closing her eyes and taking a couple more deep and successive breaths. “I smell you, too.” She rubbed her pussy against his stomach and the crevice of her ass over the top of his cock. “It’s driving me crazy, Caleb.” Despite the wantonness in her voice, there was also a small note of panic.

  “Shh,” Caleb said. “This is a gift from nature. You feel my bones against yours?” He shifted his pelvis, letting the solid bulge of his cock press firmly against her. She nodded. “And my skin on your skin?” He rubbed the palm of his hand on her cheek. She nodded again. “This is right.” She still looked a bit panicked. “Do you believe me?”

  Her big brown eyes met his, and for a moment he thought she would shy away again like she always had, but instead she nodded for the third time. It was all he needed.

  Still carrying her, he strode purposefully to the bedroom and let their bodies tumble to the bed. Joseph helped him remove her clothes and began to massage her legs. She writhed when Joseph hit a ticklish spot, but this first time, after he’d waited so long, Caleb didn’t want to waste a moment on foreplay.

  He crawled up so that he was between her legs, and grabbing her thighs, he jerked her bare legs open, exposing her glistening pussy, pink and ready for his cock. Her stomach muscles quivered in anticipation. Her hand reached out to touch Caleb’s stiff length. She ran a thumb over his tip, smearing his pre-cum, and Caleb wouldn’t wait any longer.

  He lined his cock up with her entrance and slid inside her. Elena’s small hands gripped his arms, biting into his muscles, and she uttered a low, keening moan, but her grip on his arms was nothing compared to the way her pussy held on to his dick. Caleb rolled his hips back, pulling his cock out to the tip, and then shoved forcefully back into her hot, velvet depths. Her insides welcomed him.

  Caleb pulled out and pushed in and pulled out, never losing his rhythm, never speeding up and never slowing down, only driving both of them hard toward some monolithic height. With each thrust, his balls were squeezed against her ass cheeks, moving him closer and closer to that end.

  At some point, Joseph had moved to Elena’s breasts and was suckling each of them in turn. One of her hands rested on the back of his head, and her eyelids fluttered as she fought to maintain control of her body. Caleb smiled because her pussy had already begun to clench around his cock. She was so close.

  Caleb thrust more powerfully into her, digging his fingertips into the soft flesh of her hips and ass. A small cry escaped through her lips, but she quickly stifled it. The small creases in her forehead that showed when she held back great emotion flitted into existence. Caleb thrust hard again, and again Elena cried out.

  Her frown grew deeper as she fought for her control. Caleb knew that if he was patient and relentless, he would drive her past the point of coherence, so he thrust again, this time slamming his cock deeper into her cunt. Without waiting for her to recover, he slammed again. He pulled his cock out, and he slammed into her again and again and again, rolling his hips and pounding into her. He showed no mercy. He drove her past her limits of endurance. And when her mouth fell open, and she still didn’t let go, he slammed into her again.

  “Caleb,” she groaned, gasping for air. He was wild, his own pleasure and his need to possess her drove him, and his name in her throat took him past the edge of sanity. He kept slamming into her, roaring out his pleasure. Soon she joined him, her feminine voice melding with his as their passionate cries tore through the air between them.

  Finally Caleb’s seed came spurting out of his cock and shot deep into Elena’s receptive body. Her body jerked spasmodically beneath his as if it didn’t quite know what to do with all the pleasure ripping through her nerves.

  And she clung so tightly to him.

  * * * *

  After a long moment, Elena’s mind returned to reason. Without letting go of her, Caleb pulled out and then rolled his weight off her body. He pulled her close against him as they lay on their sides. Joseph snuggled up behind her. They lay quiet for a long while.

  Finally, Joseph’s gruff voice sounded from behind her, rumbling through her sated body. “Soon we’ll have this little ass begging for our cocks, too.” He gave said ass a firm squeeze for emphasis, and Elena squeaked in surprise, not prepared for that topic or his touch there.
  “I’ve never…I mean, that’s not something…” Elena burrowed her nose into Caleb’s chest, embarrassed at discussing such a forbidden idea.

  “Shh.” Joseph pressed a warm kiss to the top of her shoulder.

  Coming up for air, Elena said, “It’s just that this whole being with two men thing is kinda freaking me out. But at the same time, every time I breathe you in, it’s like my brain forgets to be worried about it.” She took a deep breath, and sure enough, she could still feel the doubts and the hesitations flitting around her mind, but it was like they were somehow diminished, like an ant where an elephant once stood, pesky but no cause for alarm.

  “Add on top of that the whole bear-shifter thing, and I should be running away from you faster than a mouse from a hawk.” Elena frowned. A mouse from a hawk? Where did that come from? This place was really starting to rub off on her. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that. On the one hand, she liked the sense of belonging she felt in Savage Valley. On the other hand, at the bottom of everything and after everything that had happened to her in the past, she was an English girl through and through. She didn’t come to Savage Valley to forget who she was. She had come here to forget only what she had been through.

  Now was so not the time to fall for a couple of bear-shifting brothers. This was not something she felt prepared to deal with. Actually, she didn’t know if anyone could ever feel prepared to deal with having bear-shifters as lovers, but she definitely didn’t. She could not handle this. She had to get away. She needed some air, some fresh air to breathe.

  She started to wriggle, trying to clamber out of their grasp, but in doing so, she took a deep breath, and suddenly she felt calm again.

  Everything was fine. She was meant to be here. This was her home.

  She felt strong here.

  “Amazing,” she whispered, rubbing her finger along the straight line of Caleb’s nose and then across his lips.

  “What’s amazing?” He smiled at her, his black eyes warm.