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DuBois, Edith - Rugged Glimpse [Rugged Savage Valley, Colorado 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13
DuBois, Edith - Rugged Glimpse [Rugged Savage Valley, Colorado 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Read online
Page 13
Joseph groaned, and Caleb smiled triumphantly down at her. Joseph yanked her back against his chest and then down to her knees, and she smiled at the strength she could feel rippling through his body. He rolled and positioned them so that he lay on his back while Elena straddled him, her pussy grinding up against the flat, hard muscles of his lower abdomen while his dick nudged up between her legs. She whimpered with need, knowing that tonight there would be no holding back, no restraint. She wanted to be wild, just like her men.
Placing her hands on Joseph’s chest, she raised her hips, aligning her pussy’s entrance with the tip of his huge cock. She lowered herself, reveling in the sensation of such a big cock pushing up into her depths. It amazed her every time. When he had slid the full length of his cock through the lips of her pussy, he grasped her hips. She wanted to buck, wanted to begin their animal motion, but she knew that Caleb still needed to fill her ass up.
“Why don’t you get yourself ready, little darlin’?”
Elena smiled. “I would love to.”
She reached for the lube that Caleb had brought with the blanket.
“Wait,” Caleb said, catching her wrist. He continued to grasp her wrist as he guided her hand to her cunt.
“First from here.” She raised herself, delighting in the way Joseph’s flesh slid against hers. She grasped the base of his cock with her fingers and used them to follow the lips of her pussy up his shaft, slicking up her hand with her own juices. Up and down she went until her hand was coated with her hot, slick wetness.
Then she moved her hand to Caleb’s dick, coating him from base to tip. Joseph continued to plunge into her, and again, she dragged her hand, stealing the moisture their fucking created, harvesting it the way the town had harvested honey.
The second time, instead of Caleb’s cock, she moved her hand to her own ass, spreading the liquid warmth up and down her crevice. Caleb took control, grabbing her wrist and guiding her wet fingers to her hole. He pushed them inside, making sure to rub them all around the rim. Elena shivered, shocked at the sensation of her fingers in her ass, her ass around her fingers.
“Good girl,” Caleb said when he pulled her hand away. She rubbed it on the wet grass and then braced her hands on the ground next to either side of Joseph’s face.
Caleb didn’t take his time. He smeared a little more lube on everything but then pressed his bulbous tip against her back entrance. Slowly he pushed himself through the tight ring of muscle, her body’s last defense against such a forbidden act. The widest part of his cock pushed painfully through the tight outer rim, sending a wide burn from Elena’s ass straight up her spine. She wanted to clench, to keep him out, but she also wanted him to push harder, to slam into her.
“Come on,” she whined when he still had more of his cock to push in. Shoving her hips back against him, she was rewarded with the sound of Caleb’s loud groan and the feel of his raspy balls tickling the sensitive skin of her exposed cheeks.
Joseph grasped her hips and pulled her toward him. At first Elena was too eager. She couldn’t stop herself from bucking against each of them as they pulled her back and forth between their cocks. “Slow down, little darlin’. Let’s find each other.” His hands guided her, pulled her pussy tight against his body, pushed the end of his dick against the thin, tight skin of her inner walls.
“Now me,” Caleb grunted, pushing himself deep into her ass, his thrust echoing the power of Joseph’s. And at the end of Caleb’s stroke she began to sway back to Joseph and then back to Caleb. She moved between them the way wind moves through leaves and the way water laps at the shore, back and forth and back and forth but never the same way twice.
She began to tremble. It was uncontrollable. The muscles in her body were full of liquid energy, and she couldn’t contain it. Joseph and Caleb sensed her mounting pressure, and they pushed harder. They slammed into her holes, their fierce, fevered movements drawing a crazed response from deep within her soul.
She cried out, clawing at the earth, feeling the dirt under her fingernails and the sweat rolling down her back. Her orgasm was relentless and powerful and overwhelming.
They rode her still.
She could only breathe in moans. She could only think in bright colors. Her mind and her body knew only pleasure, nothing before and nothing beyond.
And they drove her still further.
Her pussy squeezed Joseph tight. She had no control over its pulsing, manic grip on Joseph’s cock.
“Fuck,” he roared, lifting his hips from the ground, spurting his seed up into the welcoming channel of her womb. Soon after, Caleb grabbed the rounds of her shoulders and yanked her back toward him, pulling her up and away from Joseph, roaring as his cum rushed, hot like liquid metal, inside her body.
Elena had nothing left. When Caleb let go of her arms, she fell to the ground. She let her face rest in the wet grass, her legs still half sprawled over Joseph and tangled with Caleb’s, taking a deep breath to smell the earth and the hint of green life in each blade of grass that touched her face.
A lightning bug flickered only inches from her face and then hummed over to a blade at the tip of her nose. It jerked its wings open and then closed them, its body lighting up for a tiny moment.
It was the most perfect moment.
* * * *
“Last one to the lake is a dead fish,” Caleb teased as he exploded up from the pile of sweaty bodies. Well, at least he tried to explode up. His relaxed and sexually satisfied muscles seemed to have other ideas.
Elena stirred as well. “I can’t,” she said, giggling as she attempted to clamber to her feet.
“No you don’t,” Joseph said, grabbing her around the ankle.
“Let go, you wanker.” She tried kicking her foot to loosen his grip, but Joseph just lay back while holding her ankle.
“I’ll save you!” Caleb grabbed Elena by the waist and stepped on Joseph’s wrist. When he had ripped her from Joseph’s grasp, he let her free.
“My savior,” she said warmly and a little breathlessly. She pressed a hot kiss against his lips. Then with an impish grin she shoved him hard in the chest, causing him to step backward and trip over Joseph. He went sprawling.
She ran from them, giggling all the way to the shore of the lake. Far-flinging droplets rose up all around her as she splashed wildly into the water.
Caleb quickly regained his feet, and he and his brother stalked toward the lake with one goal in mind. Elena stood in the water, watching them with a small smile curling her lips.
“You won’t escape us. We are coming for you, little darlin’.”
She backed farther into the water, and when Caleb and Joseph reached the shore, she turned and dove into the lake. The dark ripples shimmered across the moon’s reflection, but she had dived deep enough to momentarily escape detection. It was too dark to see anything beneath the surface. They began walking deeper, moving slightly away from each other, waiting for her to resurface for air. Caleb would pounce on her and tan her perfect little ass when she showed her traitorous face again.
They waited a long moment, but when she hadn’t popped back up, Caleb looked nervously over at Joseph. He noticed the unease in his brother’s features. “How long has she been down there?” he asked Joseph.
“At least a minute if not more.”
“Damn it,” he said as more seconds ticked by. Joseph was getting restless, Caleb could see. He moved through the water, scanning the water’s surface, looking for Elena, but they had no idea which direction she’d swum. Caleb’s fists were balled, his silent reaction to how useless he felt.
After a while, Joseph couldn’t stand it any longer, and he dove under the surface. He was beneath the water for almost a minute and then popped up about twenty feet away. “I can’t see a damn thing without light. I don’t know where she went, which direction she swam.” Caleb heard a note of panic in his brother’s voice, and he felt its echo pulsing rapidly through his own body. She had to be playing a joke on them. She was
only hiding.
But a small, undeniable voice spoke in the back of his mind. He’d never known anyone who could hold their breath for more than three minutes, and it was going on four. “Elena,” he said low under his breath, the worry and the panic growing stronger as he scanned the surface of the lake, hoping for the ripple of a head to break the surface.
He saw nothing. Joseph had gone down for the second time and came up, looking desperate.
“Fuck!” he shouted, smashing his fists into the water. “Where is she? Elena!” He roared her name. He thrashed in the water.
Caleb couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t think.
Then, with a smile on her face, Elena popped out of the water between them. “Tada!” she said. “What do you think of my trick?”
Joseph released a roar that echoed across the surface of the lake and against the trees, making Elena start. Her face fell as Joseph reached her from behind. He grabbed her, whipped her around, and tossed her over his shoulder in one move.
“What the hell?” She sputtered. “What’s the matter with you? Put me down.” She continued screeching and railing against Joseph, but he was impervious. When he reached Caleb, who was about waist deep in the water, he transferred Elena to Caleb’s shoulder.
“Make sure she stays still,” he ordered, and Caleb smiled.
“My pleasure.” He used both hands to hold her thighs and braced his own legs firmly on the lake bottom, prepared for thrashing.
“What–What are you doing?” she asked in a small voice, trying to peek around to see Joseph.
As Joseph’s palm smacked loudly against her exposed ass cheek, though, she let out a blood-curdling scream, and even though he’d been prepared, her violent motions caused Caleb to stumble backwards.
Joseph glared at him. “Can you just—”
“I got her!” Caleb shouted when Joseph went to help steady the flailing woman.
“May I go on?”
Caleb nodded, and Joseph’s hand slammed against her other cheek.
“You barbarians! Get your bloody hands off me,” she screeched, trying her damnedest to squirm out of Caleb’s grip.
“Don’t ever!” Joseph spanked her ass. “Scare us!” Another resounding slap filled the air. “Like that!” He spanked her again and then pulled his hand back the farthest yet. Caleb frowned at him, unsure, but Joseph’s eyes were hard and determined.
As Joseph’s hand met the hot, agitated skin of her ass, Elena arched completely away from Caleb’s body, screaming. Then she collapsed against Caleb’s back, and he could feel her whole body trembling.
“I hate you,” she said, her voice strangled. “How could you? How could you do this to me?” Caleb thought she sounded close to tears.
Joseph walked around to face Elena, and Caleb felt as his brother lifted Elena’s shoulders up so that she could look into his eyes. “I thought you had drowned, Elena.” Caleb slid his hands up her thighs, up to the point where they met, where her pussy had ground against his shoulder while Joseph punished her ass. The only reason he hadn’t stopped his brother was that throughout the whole ordeal, Elena’s cunt had grown wetter and hotter with each stroke of his brother’s hand. The scent of her arousal was deep in his lungs and burning through his blood. God, he wanted to take her again.
He really was an animal.
He wrapped his left arm around her waist, and as he slid her down his body, he also slid two fingers deep into her cunt. “You don’t hate us,” he said. He let her waist go, his fingers inside her body becoming his only connection to her.
“Stop it.” She shoved at his hand, but Caleb kept his fingers firmly lodged inside her.
She glared up at him, her chest heaving with strong emotion as she tried to defy the pleasure he stroked to life within her. It was more than pleasure, though, that was between them. And she damn well knew it. She belonged to him and to his brother just as they belonged to her.
She began to sway, unable to pull her body away from his hand. She glared harder at him, desperately fighting the call of her flesh and the call of her soul to him.
“Damn you,” she said. Then she crashed her body into his, crashed her lips on his. Caleb wrapped his free hand triumphantly around her waist and dragged her to shore, her juices spilling over the back of his hand and down his palm.
They didn’t make it back to the blanket, and they came together with angry movements. Elena raked her fingernails over the skin of his neck when he penetrated the lips of her pussy. Joseph kneeled in front of her, and as Caleb pushed deep, Elena took Joseph’s cock in her mouth. They moved as one, their angry, greedy flesh snapping with the fire of their heightened emotions. It took Caleb less than a dozen strokes before his cum came bursting from the tip of his cock and into Elena. Joseph followed soon after in her mouth.
Their bodies shook as they all three collapsed, and Caleb moved a curled tendril away from her face. “How did you do it?”
She shrugged. “I’ve always been good at holding my breath.” Her forehead creased, showing those tiny lines of emotion. “I didn’t mean to scare you.” She looked at Joseph. “Neither of you. I didn’t realize…” She looked at both of them, her forehead creased. “I didn’t know…well, this…” She shrugged and waved her hand, encompassing the three of them. “I didn’t know anything could be so powerful.”
Joseph held her cheek. “How about next time you decide to share one of your hidden talents, you give us a little warning first?”
Elena smiled, her lips curling in a delectable manner. “Oh all right.” Then her stomach growled loudly between them. She looked at Caleb with wide eyes full of surprise. “I think…” Her stomach growled again. “I think I’m quite hungry.”
* * * *
Elena shoved a big, juicy bite of meat into her mouth.
“Whoa, slow down there, little darlin’. I don’t want to have to perform the Heimlich. That would really cut into my honey-fried pheasant time.”
Elena answered through the food in her mouth. “Oh, big bear hungry.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Big bear no like when food go bye-bye.”
“Elena…” His voice was a low growl.
“Big bear no save choking woman.”
“Cut it out,” he whined when his intimidation tactics failed.
Caleb laughed, but Joseph answered in an injured tone. “It’s not funny. You know I would help you out if you were choking.”
“Uh-oh. Big bear sensitive,” Caleb said, patting Joseph on the head.
Joseph swatted at his brother. “That’s enough. No more big bear crap. I mean it.” He glared, looking back and forth between them.
Elena could see mottled red spots growing larger by the second on his neck, but she couldn’t stop herself. “Aww, big bear’s feewings are hurt.” Joseph stopped in his tracks, pinning Elena with his black gaze.
“Oh, you’ve done it now,” Caleb said.
In a flash, Joseph grabbed her wrist and yanked the meat she held to his lips. He took a bite, ripping off a chunk of the juiciest, most succulent portion of her pheasant.
“Joseph!” Shocked and appalled, she pulled her food away from his lips, but she was too slow. “You got the best bit.” She looked to Caleb for backup, but he had dissolved into silent, incapacitating laughter.
Joseph chomped on the meat for a moment. When he swallowed, he grinned down at her, smacking his lips. “Big bear happy now.”
Elena tried to keep up the charade of anger, but her lips trembled as a giggle fought to burst free of her throat. She pointed a finger at him. “You owe me a dance for that.”
“Seems a fair bargain, little darlin’.” He licked his lips, content.
They had rejoined the festivities about half an hour earlier, and the three of them walked along Main Street under the strings of golden lights, each of them chomping on goodies from the Savage Hunger booth and gulping down some home-brewed honey ale.
“Bloody right. I d
idn’t come to a hoedown just to miss out on all of the dancing.” She tugged on their elbows, yanking them toward the dusty lot where couples were twirling each other around to a two-step number blasting from the stage. She felt so free and easy. It was probably a combination of the ale—she’d already had three pints—and the effervescent remnants of lovemaking still coursing through her body. Whatever it was, she wanted to have fun. She wanted to celebrate. She felt so alive.
“Actually,” Caleb said, surprising both Elena and Joseph when he swept her hand from Joseph’s, “I’ll take the first dance.” With that, he whisked her into the swirling mass of bodies. His strong arm circled her around the waist as they began to dance, and he held her close, leading her with confidence through the bodies, guiding her with every move he made.
Elena looked up at his face in awe.
“What?” he asked, studying her with a perplexed grin.
“I never took you for such an expert two-stepper.”
“Oh, I’m full of surprises.” He leaned his lips down toward her, and her lips tingled with anticipation.
“Deputy Kinman!” A woman’s shouted greeting had Elena’s eyes snapping open with surprise. Caleb growled low in his throat.
“Evening, Letty.” He tipped his head toward an approaching couple. Letty, the woman Elena assumed was responsible for interrupting their moment, had thick black curls piled atop of her head, and she wore the tightest pair of jeans Elena had ever seen stretched over a pair of legs. At first glance, Elena took her to be in her thirties, but as she and her dance partner squirmed and nudged their way through the whirling bodies, Elena realized she was probably closer to fifty.
“You coming tonight?” she asked Caleb, smiling, her voice raspy and well-worn.
“Maybe so. If I can convince this lovely woman to come with me, I just might.”
Letty’s deep blue eyes darted to Elena. They seemed to rake across her face for a moment, but then the woman smiled again. “And who might this be? Is she the infamous girl responsible for keeping you away from my neck of the woods, Caleb Kinman?” Letty threw her hands up on her hips and glared in a saucy manner at Caleb.